Me In San Diego

I'm looking for work outside of San Diego - and outside of California. I would rather not move, not right now. San Diego is a very cool city. But I have no income. Period. So I have to take other measures.

Anyway, it would be a shame to leave San Diego before I got a few pics of me in my apartment. After all, the photographer rarely shows up in their own shots. So you can see a few shots of me at my flickr gallery. You will tell me if I look too thin, won't you?

I'm headed to Camarillo on Thursday to hang with my niece and nephew while my sister and her husband hang in Vegas with another of my (eight) sisters. Then I come straight back on Saturday to do a one-hour photo gig for Private Paparazzi.

Oh, and I'm having coffee on Wednesday morning with a high school friend, Nancy. She and I were in Athens, Greece at the same time, as seniors in high school. We didn't hang with the same crowd, but our parents were friends, so we saw each other every now and then. We connected a few years ago, and again recently.

I've been playing my guitar much more lately. I've also connected with a female vocalist who is willing to do some of my music. I put an ad on Craigslist, and got three replies. So I'm getting practiced up for our first session, maybe this week.

Ciao for now.


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