Flying Human Beings

If humans want to fly unaided, we will have to be taught how to maneuver in three-dimensional space. I've written here and here and here and here about playing around with vision, experimenting with focusing my eyes, and what that means about the nature of reality, the nature of nature, the nature of space, especially. 

In my praxis and conceiving, what I've discovered is the plasticity, or better yet, the crystal clear gooey-ness that we call space. Gooey with push back. Your field of vision isn't a flat, two-dimensional triangular area drawn outward from your eye. Instead, your field of vision is actually the whole ball of gooey stiff intelligent clear wax that you wade through, that you call the world. The world in which Latin 'altus' means high or deep.

A sort of phenomenologically hydraulic world, where inside and outside are both alive, both expanding and contracting spontaneously. Space is smart. Space is alive and awake. A world in which intention is to reach out into space with thinking, gently, relaxed, and unhurried. Intention seeps into the goo like vessels of differently colored, dark dyes poured into a clear pool of water. The dyes spread out, with infinite articulation both deep and high, interpenetrating and compounding and obscuring one another.

That is the environment we will fly in.


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