Meanwhile, back at the goetheanum...

Steiner's work is so bizarre if you come at it unitiated already into some kind of metaphysic. But he repeats a few, essential statements everywhere throughout his work, that are of a philosophical, not esoteric or metaphysical, quality. That's what his books Knowledge and Science, and The Philosophy of Freedom, are: disciplined, clear thinking. Anyway, one of those essentials I just read yet again in something of Steiner's:

I clearly pointed to the very necessity of finding something which the human being lays hold of within himself and which he, at the same time, recognizes as a process of the world.

He says it several ways.

the endeavour to find something in the human inner life in which an outer process takes place at the same time.

we have to acquire the ability of taking hold of something that is in our inner being, which belongs to the outer and the inner world simultaneously and reaches into both.

This is profound. He's taking the academic philosopher's ad absurdum - that you can have inside and outside at the same time - and founding a philosophy on it. The really important thing is that Steiner doesn't invite us on a search with him to find this elusive event; Steiner says, "It's happening all the time. I'll show you where and how to look so that you can perceive it for yourself."

Next time: Danny reveals Steiner's Secrets To Mind Reading...


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