Is War the Price of a Viable Economy?

I have been puzzled lately over the incongruity between the apparent improvement in the job market, and specifically the upturn in prospects for IT workers, on the one hand, and on the other the continuing war in Iraq (2,450 US soldiers killed so far), the closing of our borders to Mexico and Canada, and the violent overtones of our government’s statements about Iran’s nuclear program. How is it that we Americans have chosen to spend billions of dollars on our wars with other nations, causing the killings of Americans and others, and at the same time be buying new SUVs and feeding the housing market frenzy?

I think I’ve begun to see the answer: The wars are in fact paying for the economic progress. If we have directed our government to spend billions of dollars to wage war in Iraq and around the world, who is getting this money? Lots of people. Rich and middle class and poor. Then we spend this money on SUVs, and to hire more employees, and to buy new houses.

I’ve also wondered: If we’ve directed our government to contract ourselves to supply our armies, and our government is borrowing the money to pay us, then where will that money finally come from? How will our government fulfill all those contracts? This question is probably due to ignorance of the basic workings of a cash and credit based economy, so I’m ready to be educated on that score. But there is also this other cost, detailed by NBC News:

“Military officials say Marine Corp photos taken immediately after the incident show many of the victims were shot at close range, in the head and chest, execution-style. One photo shows a mother and young child bent over on the floor as if in prayer, shot dead, said the officials, who spoke to NBC News on condition of anonymity because the investigation hasn't been completed.” (

That’s a cost that I think I understand clearly. It’s a cost I can’t afford. I don’t understand how my fellow Americans are paying for it either.


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