You won't find answers there because the answers are here

'If you think that your hand causes you to sin, then there is no alternative to profound bodily sacrifice if you want to be saved. Cut your hand off - it's the only thing you can do.

In the end, it's better to be saved without a hand than to take your hand with you to hell.'

So says your logic.

Jesus wasn't teaching self-sacrifice. He was making a point: if you think external things cause you to sin, then you have no alternative but to take an external approach to making amends and contrition.

Then he emphasizes the materialism underlying that logic: better to go to heaven with a maimed physical body than to go to hell with your whole physical body.

There is no physical heaven and hell, though. Only spiritual.

The same principle is echoed in this saying, but from the spiritual side:

'Stop looking at events out in the world, and people, for signs of the coming of love. That's not where it's coming from. Love is coming from inside of yourself, and that's the only place you need to look. In fact, you can safely ignore those who interpret outer events and people as signs of the coming of love.'

'Keep a close watch, though.'

Just because it's inside of you doesn't mean it's understandable or intelligible or even recognizable. You may not be aware of it at all. You may not even know what 'inside of me' means.


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