
What else but bloodthirst explains this?

I also noticed that CNN's gallery of Blood and Destruction contained not one single picture of the more than 300 Lebanese killed by Israelis, but showed an Israeli man "in shock" from a bomb exploding nearby, and an Israeli soldier trying to sleep underneath his tank.



Hesperus (Haya) said…
Wow. So many voted against a ceasefire. After watching the news continuously ever since the war started~ (CNN/BBC/and Arabian news), I just can't understand why the US does not want a ceasefire unless it's just giving Israel more time to kill innocent people. Even when the 4 UN staff were killed, nothing moved the diplomatic actions any faster. Though, I am quite sure that if an American UN Staff was killed, they would rush a ceasefire. Sorry if I'm a bit blunt, but I can't help but think that way based on previous experiences related to that. ~_~; And Bush is just so pathetic. During the Iraqi PM/Bush press conference, Bush just kept reiterating what he had said in his speech or relying so much on what the Iraqi PM was saying~ so sad. :x

Though, you have certainly changed my opinion about americans a bit. ;)
Bush and Cheney are giving Israel time to get rid of some of Bush's own impediments to controlling oil in the Mideast - plain and simple. He's a liar and a simpleton.

There are many other Americans that hate what Bush stands for and what he has contributed to in this country and in the world.

Thanks for stopping by - I'm heartened to hear from someone else who is concerned for peace.

Ciao for now.

Hesperus (Haya) said…
It seems like everyone wants our oil. ~_~;
It's been going on for years~ ever since the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.. and I'm sure it goes back even further than that.

There are many other Americans that hate what Bush stands for and what he has contributed to in this country and in the world.
I'm glad of that, because I can't understand why people voted for him again. His first four years were a disaster and yet people still wanted him. And now he's brought even more trouble to the US. @_@~

You're welcome~ I enjoy reading your journal.

I do wish for peace in our region. I don't want to live this way~ I'm always worried that something might hit us. I live on an island~ so anything that hits us~ would probably result in us sinking. LOL.
Those who voted for Bush have their reasons for doing so - though I can't say that I understand those reasons.

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